Pound My Boss
How much is your sanity really worth to you? If it means selling your soul and your free time too Money is great and makes the world go round but in my dreams, it’s...
Where Poets and wannabe Poets come to unload
How much is your sanity really worth to you? If it means selling your soul and your free time too Money is great and makes the world go round but in my dreams, it’s...
Would you rather work for the devil and have money to pay your bills or starve each day having a clean conscious and not having to pop pills? That’s the difference between working for...
I’m trying to figure out how to speak to an irrational psychopath without telling him where to go or to jump in the bath He doesn’t understand how the world goes round but he...
This one goes out to the job I loved This one goes out to the job I left behind Now i’m stuck forever doing time This one goes out to the job I loved...
Making money makes me sick but really it’s the only thing that makes me tick I live for my paycheck, my bonus and raise i’ll pretty much do anything that pays Truth be told,...
Who remembers a good old summer vacation Which now lies to rest in our imagination Of good times that we had and places we want to go Way back when, when the good times...
People complain about their nose but you rarely hear about their toes that is what people should complain about especially during the summer when their toes stick out the dirt, the corns, chipped nails...
Have you ever been stuck in a dead end job? You work in a cubicle with a guy named Bob going over the same types of reports each day just dreaming of a chance...
For a stupid paycheck, I sold my soul putting in 100 hour weeks is my toll I’d be so much better off outside of these walls I feels it each time I take a...
Stuck in my office, at a computer I sit In one week I am going to Quit Doing routine jobs that take no wit In one week I am going to Quit years ago,...