Take a Dump on Me
The next bunch of poems are dedicated to all the bosses out there. Keep checking each day for a new poem to hang on your cubicle wall. If you like any of them, please...
Where Poets and wannabe Poets come to unload
The next bunch of poems are dedicated to all the bosses out there. Keep checking each day for a new poem to hang on your cubicle wall. If you like any of them, please...
I know that some of the poems I write are really sucky but surprisingly, I have received a ton of positive feedback and requests for more of some of my less sucky poems. I...
Ugly, You are so ugly, There is nobody, As ugly as yoooouuu You are so ugly, Miss. Ugly There is nobody, As ugly as yoooouuu You are so ugly, Yo this one...
Baby I’m amazed at the way you waste so much time Maybe I’m afraid of the way I waste it too Baby I’m amazed at the way you pissed away your time watched tv...
With love to my big brother on his 30th birthday. At first I was afraid I was petrified I grew up with a big brother Moish who had height and muscle on his side...
Cleaning a room with kids around is like shoveling in a blizzard You keep cleaning as they keep messing, you really wish you were a wizard One zap and all the toys will be...
Just reposting this with some great pictures i took in a bathroom in Vegas. A urinal is really a wonderful thing It’s really a breeze when a leak do you spring No seat...
To the love of my life on Valentine’s Day I’d like to sing your praise if I may You worship the ground that I walk on You make sure my worries are long gone...
Get away you crazy bitch You are nothing but an annoying itch You follow me around all day I just want you to go away You sit outside my home and wait For me...