11 out of 350 Million Facebook Users is not so Bad

Update: Facebook now has close to a billion users and Sucky Poems has 20 Facebook fans so we’re almost growing proportionately.

Of 350 million facebook users, I have just 11 fans
But to gain a couple more i’ve got a lot of plans
Maybe I should write more to gain a bunch of hits
But that won’t work really well since my poems are the pits
Maybe I should trick people with some deceiving ad
But the little guy on my shoulder says that idea’s pretty bad
Maybe I should threaten some people to sign on
Or pull one of them famous internet marketing cons
I could gain thousands of followers in just a few days
I’ll be on top of the world with that little craze
Or is that just on twitter that the follower scam works
I hear it’s just a bunch of bots and they are worthless perks
So now I’m back at square one just wondering what to do.
If you have any ideas, send them and i’ll give the credit to you!

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