The Inspiration For My Poetry
i’ve been thinking of some really sucky poems to post
but people wonder if they are inspired by my life the most
Then I have to think twice about writing tons of stuff
like mommy and daddy not loving me enough
or the years i spent locked in a cellar
and how about the beatings, they were really stellar
I’m not sure where to draw the line with drugs
and I don’t want to write too much about hugs
so really i’m left with almost nothing to write
and my grey area is really tight
I really post based on my inspiration
but not on my life, based on the rest of the nation
in the news, in what i read
in blogs, movies and tv
the love, the hate, the stuff in between
from the octogenarian and even the teens
so i’m deciding right now that anything goes
and now you can watch this blog and see how it grows.